March 13, 2019 – Dear Brothers and Sisters, As I’m sure most of you are aware, the Work/Rest rules are currently under review. We believe the membership should have input on the TCRC’s position regarding hours of service, hence we have created a short survey designed to convey your opinions to the National office.
Please be aware that the development of the Work/Rest rules are a regulatory process, not a negotiation and that the opinions provided by the TCRC are not demands. The Ministerial order mandates that the Work/Rest rule update will be based on modern fatigue science and Transport Canada will ultimately decide what the final rule will be. The TCRC will formulate our submission on input from the membership, TCRC officers and our fatigue specialist. We will be distributing the link to the survey by email and with a link on our National website. The survey begins with the user providing their name and contact information. This will be used to verify the input is being provided by a TCRC member and to update our membership contact information database.
I urge each of you to fill out the survey and let your opinion be heard. The survey will end on March 31st , 2019. Here is the link:
In solidarity,
Lyndon Isaak
President – TCRC
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