747 News

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Brother Ken Roach's Last Run! 

February 1st 2025

Brother Ken Roach made his final run on Train 76 after a long and storied career with CN and VIA. The Brothers and Sisters of Division 747 want to acknowledge and celebrate Brother Roach’s amazing career. We will all miss his friendship and incredible experience as a railroader.


Brother Gord Campbell Retires! 

January 4th 2025

The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 extend their heartfelt congratulations to Brother Gord Campbell on completing his final run from Windsor to Toronto aboard Train 76.

After a distinguished career with both CN and VIA, we wish you all the best in your well-deserved retirement. May you enjoy your newfound freedom to the fullest, and we look forward to seeing you this fall.

Congratulations Gord!  


2024 Retirement Party! 

November 18th 2024

Division 747 retirement party 2024 was a huge success!

It was a great mix of friends, previously retired, and current employees. The stories, laughter, food and drinks were the perfect combination for an unforgettable evening. The countdown is on for next year!

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Brother Eduardo Veloso Retires! 

July 21st 2024

The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 want to wish our number one yard Bro, Eduardo Veloso, a happy retirement after 45 years of dedicated service at Via Rail.

Your knowledge and good humour behind the YM’s chair will be missed. We hope you have a long and happy retirement, Bro! 


Brother Rod MacDonald 

July 8th 2024

Sisters and Brothers,

It is with deep regret that Division 747 informs you of the peaceful passing of our brother, Rod MacDonald. The membership of Division 747 expresses its deepest condolences to the MacDonald family in this time of loss.


Please Support the Farquhar Family

June 29th 2024

Sadly, in September 2023, Brother Michael Farquhar fell ill. In October, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent surgery to remove the majority of it. Despite the surgery, Michael required six weeks of radiation therapy. Unfortunately, 10 days after his discharge, he faced serious post-operative complications, leaving him unable to return to work.

Brother Farquhar’s current benefits run out in July 2024. To assist the Farquhar family during this difficult time, a GoFundMe page has been set up.


Russ Joys Retires! 

June 17th 2024

Division 747 would like to congratulate Brother Russ Joys on his retirement after 45 years of service with CN and Via rail. We all hope you have a long and happy retirement as your experience and good humor will be missed by all of us that had the pleasure of working with you. May the suds always be cold and the chicken wings hot, enjoy it Russ.


Dave Whitnall Retires! 

May 22nd 2024

The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 want to congratulate Brother Dave Whitnall on his retirement after 45 year’s service.

Brother we wish you a long and healthy retirement and hope you have lots of plans for your well earned rest.  


Brother Phil Hope’s last trip! 

March 31st 2024

Division 747 wants to congratulate Brother Phillip Hope on his retirement from Via Rail.

Brother Hope has been a fixture at Via for many years in various positions. His dedication and service to division 747 and the TCRC Central for Via will not be forgotten, as an LC than GC. Brother Hope, you are truly one of the last gentleman of the railway, your knowledge, candor and the way you handle yourself with members and management alike is something the future can learn from. May your successor have the same wisdom and carry themselves with the same dignity you brought to those positions.


Brother Lance "Muggy" Mugford

January 6th 2024

It is with deep regret that Division 747 informs you of the peaceful passing of our brother Lance Mugford, affectionately known as "Muggy." At this time, no details regarding a service are available.

Muggy had a long career on the railway with CN, Bombardier and Via. Muggy was the consummate old school railroader with a grumpy and gruff exterior and a very warm and gentle heart if he let you see it.



December 14th 2023

TCRC Website Redesign & App

The National Executive Board authorized this office to redesign the website and have a mobile app created as an additional tool to provide information to you, the membership.

The Executive Board is proud to inform you that this is now completed.



October 29th 2023

Division 747 Retirement Party held to honor our members who retired. Special thanks to TCRC President Brother Paul Boucher for attending and saying some kinds words on behalf of the TCRC.

It was a good old fashioned railroad retirement party with good food, drinks and stories. A good mix of our younger members and veteran members were able to share stories and fellowship.  



September 27th 2023

After 3 long years, join us in honouring:

Fred Boimistruck, Mike Bonczuk, Larry Bowman, John Boyd, Mike Campbell, Ted Chadwick, Ted Chodkiewicz, Brian Corcoran, Pierre Cote, Paul Elliott, Brad Finlay, Ken Fitzgerald, Paul Holden, Eric Honkaheimo, Peter Koszusko, Ted Kowbuz, Don LeClair, Dino Marciori, Ron Mastramatteo, John Mitchell, Don Morgan, Les Morgan, Lance Mugford, Andy Mysakowicz, Jim Owttrit m, Henry Rawdat, Glenn Salt, Jack Strachan, Steve Swindall, & Joe Webb.

Saturday October 21st at Maple Leaf House Grill and Lounge in Mimico  

Give ‘em the send off they deserve - See you there!


VIA Rail Pass Program

May 23rd 2023

Rail Pass Program for permanent management employees and executives, employees represented by TCRC, as well as retirees formerly management or represented by TCRC (or BLE).

The rail pass program is designed to make permanent management employees and executives, employees represented by TCRC, as well as retirees formerly management or represented by TCRC (or BLE) the best ambassadors of VIA Rail, promote a better understanding of our products and services, and allow us to introduce train travel to new users.

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Via Rail renames section of track for Brockville-area train enthusiast

December 21st 2022

If you've spent any time at the Brockville VIA station, you've probably seen Chelsea Cadieux.

Cadieux has been enthusiastically greeting VIA engineers for the past 12 years, presenting each with their favourite playing cards as they pass through town.

On Wednesday, VIA Rail gave Chelsea a special gift for her enthusiasm, renaming a section of slow speed track nearby, known as a siding, after her.

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Congratulations Brother Moloney!

January 5th 2023

On July 7th 2022 Oliver Moloney and Bhavish Luximon both received the VIA Rail Canada Chief of Police Commendation.

This was the first time this commendation was given to a civilian. Oliver and Bhavish were recognized after saving a life on March 16th 2022. 

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Brother Cory Kennedy Wins Challenge  

October 30th 2022

Division 747 member Cory Kennedy participated in a workplace fitness challenge, and won! He was gifted an iPad for his efforts. Cory is pictured here with his wife Claire.  

Congratulations Corry!

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John Mitchell Retires!  

January 18th 2021

Our Brother John Mitchell has retired and the membership at 747 want to offer our sincere wishes for a long and happy retirement!

Enjoy your well earned retirement brother, your friendship and good humor will be missed by all of us. We all look forward to the day we can celebrate with you and all our recent retirees.

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In Memory of Brother Dale Pringle  

November 7th 2020

The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 want to express our deepest sympathy to the Pringle family. I will share a message I sent Dale before he passed:

An uncanny bond because of the craziness, drama and trauma we all collectively share. So know as you journey towards what awaits all of us is that we are with you in spirit and our thoughts. Thank you Brother.  

Safe travels.

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Lance “Muggy” Mugford 

November 7th 2020

Sisters and Brothers,

Brother Mugford has decided to call it a day after many years of railroading. Division 747 wants to wish Muggy many years of health and happiness in retirement.

To say you have gone more miles backwards than some engineers have gone forward is not a joke. You have passed the knowledge of our craft to many young railroaders and we thank you. Enjoy it Muggy, you deserve it!

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Remembering Brother Bryan Buchan 

July 14th 2020

Sisters and Brothers, It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Brother Bryan Buchan.

What could you say about Mr. Buchan? Bryan was a jokester but a serious railroader. Never a fan of used car salesmen, even keeled and just wanted to do his job and “get to the finish line” with CN, GO and finally Via rail.

Anyone lucky enough to train with Bryan probably smoked or was a young hogger, and they learned how to do things from a professional.

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Brother Larry Bowman

January 31st 2020

The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 want to wish Brother Larry Bowman a happy retirement. 

Brother Bowman has many years working at CN, running GO trains and finishing his career at Via. You have always been a friendly face to the newer generation and passed the knowledge of railroading on to the younger membership.

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Brother Joe Webb's Last Trip! 

January 31st 2020

The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 want to congratulate Brother Joe Webb on his retirement.

After many years at CN and Via you get to enjoy a well deserved new career doing what ever you want!

We will miss your friendship and professionalism, and wish you all the best on the trails!

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Les and Don Morgan's Last Trip! 

January 31st 2020

The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 want to wish the Brothers Morgan the best in their retirement!

Don and Les have a proud railway background and with a combined 85 year’s service. They trained many of the future generations to come. We will all miss your kindness and good humor. Your dad would be proud of your careers. We all wish you the best and hope to see you at the retirement celebration.

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'It was a lot of fun': Train engineer brothers take final trip together before retirement

January 31st 2020

TORONTO -- When VIA train number 70 rolled in to Union Station early Friday morning, it marked the end of the line for passengers on board but for two men in the locomotive it also marked the end of their careers.

“Right on time,” yelled Les Morgan as he held out a pocket watch, stepping out of the train’s cab and on to the platform. He and brother Don have been riding the rails as locomotive engineers for more than 85 years combined and this was their retirement ride. 

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Brother Neil McQueen

January 23rd 2020

Brother Neil McQueen and his family have recently suffered a personal tragedy. The McQueen family has lost their home to a fire. Neil has 3 young daughters and fortunately, everyone is physically okay, but they have lost everything.

Anything you can contribute to help Neil and his family get through this very trying time would be greatly appreciated!

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Brother Kozusko's Final Run!

December 15th 2019

Brother Peter Kozusko's Final Run was on December 15th!

The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 would like to wish Brother Kozusko all the best in his upcoming retirement. We wish you all the best in whatever comes next! Enjoy your newly found freedom!

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Brother Mike Campbell's Last Trip!

November 30th 2019

After 44 years of service, brother Mike Campbell's last trip was on November 30th 2019! The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 would like to wish Brother Campbell all the best in his upcoming retirement. All the best to you!

Enjoy your newly found freedom!

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Retirement Party

September 24th 2019

Sisters and Brothers,

On October 26th Division 747 will be honouring the careers of Rob Rodi, Jim Fahey, Bob Black and Don Kearney.

Please come out and help us congratulate our most recent retirees!

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Remembering Brother Tony Frost (Frosty)

July 15th 2019

It is with great sadness that our Division has to say goodbye to our friend and brother Tony Frost. Frosty was a dedicated railroader with many years at CN and VIA. He also dedicated many years to this Division working on behalf of the membership serving in the executive. The time he spent working for the betterment of your colleagues will never be forgotten. Please keep the Frost family in your thoughts during these difficult times.
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Brother Jim Hendry Last Trip!

June 28th 2019

Brother Jim Hendry recently made last trip with VIA! The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 would like to wish Brother Hendry all the best in his upcoming retirement. We wish you all the best in whatever comes next! Enjoy your newly found freedom!
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Brother Joe Thomas

June 17th 2019

Sisters and Brothers, Our Division is in shock at the moment at the sudden passing of our Brother Joe Thomas. All of us at this moment are in a profound state of disbelief, and no words will be able to convey this feeling at the moment, but I will try my best.

Brother Thomas was a son, father, brother and friend. From CN to Via Joe has touched many lives and has made many friends. We have lost a skilled and competent railroader and a family has lost even more. Our division would like to express our deepest condolences to Brother Thomas’s family, friends and coworkers.
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Brother Bob Black's Final Run!

May 31st 2019

Brother Bob Black's last run was on Friday May 31st on train 45. He was accompanied by his daughter Landis and his son-in-law Mike Sanderson.

The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 would like to wish Brother Black all the best in his upcoming retirement. We wish you all the best in whatever comes next! Enjoy your newly found freedom!
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June 1st 2019

A message from the President

The past five months have been a tremendous challenge dealing with both the accomplishments and tragedies our Union has experienced.

Our VP Dave McCulloch and myself attended the funeral services for our Brothers who perished in the Field British Columbia accident. A short update on the Field catastrophe is contained in the body of this newsletter.  

On a positive note, we have some new members who elected to join our Union. Please join me in welcoming our new TCRC members from Huron Central Railway and Bombardier Edmonton. I also wish to acknowledge the organizing efforts of Sister Hasulo and Brother Lowe.

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Congrats Don, Jim & Rob!

May 13th 2019

The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 would like to congratulate Brothers Don Kearney, Jim Fahey and Rob Rodi. These Engineers finish their careers with a combined total of over 100 years on the rails.  

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Brother Rennie Dykens Retires!

May 5th 2019

The Sisters and Brothers of Division 747 would like to wish our Brother Rennie Dykens all the best in his upcoming retirement. Rennie with his many years at CN and Via has been instrumental in helping train the newer generation of railroaders.

We wish you all the best in your new career, and hope that you the only simulator you run now is a golf course program!   

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Bursary and financial offers for members and their families

March 26th 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This page provides information on bursary and other financial offers available to Teamsters Canada Rail Conference members as well as members’ families.

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Member Survey - Work Rest Rules

March 13th 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As I’m sure most of you are aware, the Work/Rest rules are currently under review. We believe the membership should have input on the TCRC’s position regarding hours of service, hence we have created a short survey designed to convey your opinions to the National office.  

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February 23rd 2019

TCRC Division 747 Members came out on Saturday night to celebrate the retirements of Jim Tiernay, Rhonda Mullin, Brian Scott, Dale Sheedy & Anita Kell!

On behalf of the Members of Division 747 we wish them all health and happiness moving forward. Enjoy your newly found freedom!  

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It's A Retirement Party!

February 17th 2019

Please come out and join us in honoring the careers' of Jim Tiernay, Rhonda Mullin, Brian Scott, Dale Sheedy & Anita Kell!

On behalf of the Members of Division 747 we wish them all health and happiness moving forward. Enjoy your newly found freedom!

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Minister of Transport moves to improve fatigue management for railway employees

December 21st 2018

Transport Canada recognizes that fatigue must be addressed in all modes of transportation and is committed to doing all it can to protect the safety of Canadians.

Today, the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, instructed railway companies to revise the Work/Rest Rules for Railway Operating Employees, to ensure that they reflect the latest science and fatigue management practices. The railway companies must submit them by May 19, 2019 for the Minister to approve them by the end of June 2019.

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'Profoundly disappointed': Pilots call new safety rules to address flight fatigue 'substandard'

December 12th 2018

Kathleen Harris, Hannah Thibedeau · CBC News — Transport Canada has laid out stricter safety rules meant to ensure pilots are well rested and alert on the job, but Air Canada pilots say they're profoundly disappointed with the "substandard" regulations.

The new regulations are designed to limit any activity that might impair pilots' ability to perform their duties, and affect both big international and smaller regional carriers. The updated Canadian Aviation Regulations, announced Wednesday by Transport Minister Marc Garneau, cap the  number of hours pilots can fly to prevent cockpit fatigue, and to align Canada's rules with those in the U.S. and European Union.

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VIA Selects Siemens to Replace Fleet

December 12th 2018

MONTRÉAL, Dec. 12, 2018 /CNW Telbec/ - VIA Rail Canada (VIA Rail) announced today that Siemens Canada was awarded a $989 million contract to build the 32 trainsets that will replace VIA Rail's fleet that operates in the Quebec City-Windsor Corridor. Siemens Canada was selected following a fair, open, rigorous and transparent bidding process under the oversight of an independent fairness monitor and VIA Rail's Board of Directors. On-time delivery, quality of product and price were the criteria on which all the proponents were evaluated. 

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